Woman Vanished Into Thin Air, 42 Years Later A New Piece Of Information Comes To Light

Published on 10/20/2019

College Coming Up

Even though they already experienced separation in the past, they had to talk about their plans for college. Were they going to stay together even if they planned to move to different states after graduation? “Right after we graduated from high school, we were pretty hesitant,” she told People. She added, “We were like, ‘Do we stay together? Do we try to make it work?’”

College Coming Up

College Coming Up


Long Distance

They did not want to rob each other of a great college experience. Matt was headed for Columbia College in Chicago, whereas Laura was headed for Northern Arizona University. This would mean that they would be 1,600 miles apart. Luckily, they were willing to give a long-distance relationship a try.

Long Distance

Long Distance