Pics We Can’t Help But Laugh At

Published on 12/29/2021

Misplaced Remote

Sometimes when we’re doing a million things, we accidentally take things from one room to another and completely forget, even if that item really doesn’t belong in that room. This person must have been doing the laundry, while watching tv, while answering the phone, while doing something else, because they have accidentally washed their remote! We guess they aren’t changing the channel for a while.

Misplaced Remote

Misplaced Remote


Bee Backpack

I mean, the person who hung the bag like this was kind of asking for it, right? The bag is yellow and black, the color of bees. The bees must have confused it for their home, naturally gravitating towards it! Maybe they’ll get some fresh honeycomb, at least.

Bee Backpack

Bee Backpack