Prepare To Be Amazed – Trivias About Forrest Gump You Didn’t Know

Published on 09/25/2023

The Accent Inspiration

Director Robert Zemeckis faced a challenge in finding the right accent for Forrest Gump. However, when they discovered young actor Michael Conner Humphrey, who portrayed Forrest as a child, they were captivated. Humphrey’s deep Mississippi accent, with its distinct pronunciation and hard “g,” became the inspiration for Tom Hanks’ accent in the film. Despite Humphrey’s struggle to match Hanks’ accent, Hanks decided to adopt aspects of the young boy’s speech. This commitment was so strong that Hanks recorded hours of conversations with Humphrey on cassette tapes. That’s what you call dedication.

The Accent Inspiration

The Accent Inspiration


He Agreed

Tom Hanks swiftly agreed to be a part of the film after spending a mere hour and a half engrossed in its pages. The esteemed producer, Steve Starkey, attested to this astonishing fact by stating: “We sent the script to Tom Hanks because he was the only one who could play it … About an hour and a half, after he started reading it, Tom called and said, “I’m in.” From that point on, we knew we could get the movie made.” When it comes to knowing what’s right for him, Hanks has a flawless track record. Throughout his illustrious career, he has always chosen roles that perfectly suit him. This could mean he possesses remarkable instincts in selecting the right parts or it might suggest his ability to portray any character with absolute brilliance.

He Agreed

He Agreed