Leaving The Airport
Considering the 14 hour time difference, Gianni and Rose were naturally feeling somewhat discombobulated. They didn’t know whether it was morning, evening, night or day. Looking at his phone, Gianni could see that it was almost 4pm in Tokyo. The Tatakis should be available. It only took 5 minutes to leave the airport, security didn’t take long at all. They also had no baggage. Upon leaving the airport, Gianni hailed the first taxi he saw and told him, “To Kawasaki please!”. They departed for the city.

Leaving The Airport
A 20 Minute Ride
It turned out that it was only a 24km distance from Tokyo to Kawasaki, which would take around 25 minutes. Gianni looked up the address that was given to them by the Director of Medicine back in Boston, it shouldn’t be so difficult to find. Something that eased Rose and Gianni’s concerns slightly, was that the Tatakis were in fact expecting them. Whether they would be received with hostility or kindness was yet to be seen, but the fact that they were willing to meet them was a good feeling. The car pulled up, they had arrived.

A 20 Minute Ride