The Oldest Known Photograph
Most people have a very limited understanding of how far back the origins of photography go. As early as the fourth century BC, it was believed that light had the power to alter physical objects. In 1826, however, a French inventor named Joseph Nicéphore Niépce took a photograph of the grounds of his estate using a heated pewter plate coated with a solution of bitumen of Judea and water. Even though it looks like a smudge and required two days of exposure, this picture is commonly thought to be the first ever taken.

The Oldest Known Photograph
Butch Cassidy
Butch Cassidy, also born as Robert LeRoy Parker, was one of the most famous outlaws of the Wild West. Butch Cassidy, born in 1866, was the head of the Wild Bunch, a gang of robbers that robbed trains and banks. He was involved in criminal activity for approximately a decade before fleeing to Argentina with his accomplice Harry Alonzo Longabaugh (better known as “Sundance Kid”) and Longabaugh’s girlfriend Etta Place to avoid police authorities. This photograph was taken in the year 1900.

Butch Cassidy