These Everyday Household Objects Will Surprise By What They Can Do For You

Published on 09/18/2019

Multiuse Chalk

Chalk has more uses than we ever thought. Tough stain? Rub the stain with chalk, especially around the ring. Doing this before you throw it in the wash helps absorb the oils of the stain. You can also use it to keep ants out by drawing chalk lines where they usually enter. The calcium carbonate scares them right off. Lastly, rubbing chalk over cracks hides them just until you’ready to paint., your walls will look brand new.



Zip Top Bags

These can be used to easily create a funnel when needed. Simply cut off one of the corners and insert the liquid through the top of the bag to do so. You can also use these in order to ice cupcakes, cakes, and pastries. Another crazy hack is using these zip tops to clean your showerhead, this can be done by using white vinegar and strapping the bag to your showerhead for 30 minutes.

Zip Top Bags