The Dumbwaiter
Dumbwaiters are small freight elevators made to lift objects from one floor to another. You can recognize a dumbwaiter by its sliding door and the fact that it usually opens into the kitchen. In the 1840s, people used dumbwaiters to transfer food to a living room or bedroom. Dumbwaiters are still used in some buildings today. They’re often installed in hospitals, retirement homes, and some restaurants to transport meals. Unlike antique dumbwaiters, modern ones come equipped with electric monitors and automatic control systems.

The Dumbwaiter
Boot Scraper
In front of some homes sit tiny iron ornaments. These are actually boot scrapers and were first prominent during the seventeenth century. Boot-wearers would scrape the mud off their shoes before entering a house. Nowadays we have better methods, these only seem to stub people’s toes! Boot scrapers, known in French as “decrottoirs,” existed in a variety of shapes and sizes. Many of them have elaborate spirals and motifs, as well as animals. Two boot scrapers would normally be placed on either side of the door at the end of a pathway. If it’s muddy outside, you might be able to find an old boot scraper.

Boot Scraper