Samantha Fox And Linda Olsen – 6 Years Together
Samantha Fox, a former glamour model, began seeing Linda Olsen in 2016, following the loss of her 12-year companion, Myra Stratton, in 2015. The pair got engaged on Valentine’s Day 2020, four years after their loving journey began while having a nice dinner date. The epidemic, however, led the Norwegian mother-of-two and television celebrity to postpone their summer wedding in Essex. Fox is most known for her parts in the films “Three Kinds of Heat” and a “Loose Women” episode. In addition to her limited TV appearances, she had a successful music career. Olsen, like her ex, is her tour manager.

Samantha Fox And Linda Olsen – 6 Years Together
Wanda Sykes And Alex Sykes – 14 Years Together
In 2008, film actress Wanda Sykes married her partner, comedian, Alex Sykes in California. She officially announced it to the public at a demonstration in Las Vegas. A year later they became parents of twins. Wanda was aware of her homosexuality from an early age, but she hid it from her parents. When Wanda finally came out to her conservative parents, they were very disappointed. Her mother didn’t even show up for her wedding. Things only calmed down over time.

Wanda Sykes And Alex Sykes – 14 Years Together