A Look To The Earth’s Core Reveals Scientific Mysteries

Published on 03/12/2023

There’s A Flowing Water

A fascinating discovery was made by the Kola Superdeep Borehole when it encountered moving water many miles below the Earth’s surface. Until then, no one had seriously considered the possibility of liquid water existing at such a great depth below the earth’s surface. This proved that the Earth’s crust is not as thick as previously thought. There were channels for liquids to travel through. The researchers hypothesized that the water flowed because the rocks were subjected to the such intense pressure that the hydrogen and oxygen atoms were forced to escape.

There's A Flowing Water

There’s A Flowing Water


It Became A Tourist Spot

Interestingly enough, the Soviet Union’s demise coincided with the closing of the Kola Superdeep Borehole. The area has been abandoned and is now classified as a potential threat to the environment. Still, this did not prevent curious onlookers from stopping by to take a look. It’s hard to believe that the deepest hole on Earth is home to a decrepit drill site littered with rusting wood and discarded metal. Even though the Kola Superdeep borehole has been welded shot, it is still a fascinating discovery.

It Became A Tourist Spot

It Became A Tourist Spot