A Look To The Earth’s Core Reveals Scientific Mysteries

Published on 03/12/2023

Fossils Were Found

Tiny fossils of single-celled marine organisms were discovered by the research team at a depth of four miles, indicating the presence of biological activity within the rocks. Being so far below ground level was a surprising discovery. Due to their long preservation at great depths (miles) below the earth’s surface, the fossils were in excellent condition. In fact, scientists determined that the fossils were older than 2 billion years. All in all, this was seen as a success by scientists.

Fossils Were Found

Fossils Were Found


Earth’s Temperature

The data from the Kola Superdeep Borehole allowed for an improved temperature map of the Earth’s interior. This provides geologists with more reliable information about the average temperature of the Earth. During the drill, participants were surprised to find temperatures significantly higher than forecast. This profound shift in Geology demonstrates how much further our understanding can advance with time. In a word, the Russian team is to thank for that.

Earth's Temperature

Earth’s Temperature