A Swing At Tennis
We have another interesting fact about the pro golfer. After she was injured and had to quit gymnastics training, she tried out another sport apart from golf. She actually had an aunt who was a pro tennis player! Under the guidance of the older woman, Paige Spiranac dipped her toes into tennis. However, she did not end up liking it all that much and decided to look for a different sport to play.

A Swing At Tennis
Ronda Rousey Is Her Idol
The pro golfer has talked about someone that she thinks of as her idol. However, she did not pick a fellow golfer to be her role model. No, the person that she idolizes happens to be the talented pro wrestler and MMA fighter, Ronda Rousey. According to Paige Spiranac, she considers Rousey as superwoman. It is her dream to be just as strong and accomplished as her idol.

Ronda Rousey Is Her Idol