A Strange Object Discovered In Backyard – Police Respond With Startling Message: “You Weren’t Meant to Witness This”

Published on 08/25/2023

Something They Found

He considered confiding in someone trustworthy, someone with expertise on the subject matter, who could provide additional insights. However, he weighed the potential repercussions that might accompany such a decision. The peculiar object would undoubtedly require meticulous examination and delicate removal, possibly leading to extensive excavation in his garden, unveiling the possibility of unearthing more intriguing artifacts.

Something They Found

Something They Found


Against It

He would probably be compensated for everything, but it was mainly a timer concern. You see, he had been eagerly waiting for his new pool to be completed. The construction process seemed to drag on forever, and he was growing increasingly impatient. All he wanted was to get this damn pool over and done with. The thought of having a relaxing swim in his backyard and enjoying some quality time with his family brought a genuine smile to his face. However, there was a catch. He didn’t need a bunch of prying investigators snooping around his property, disrupting his peaceful oasis. So, he made a deliberate decision. He resolved to keep the incredible find a secret, ensuring that the construction process would remain uninterrupted and his desired tranquility could be achieved without any unwanted disturbances.

Against It

Against It