Everyone understands how traveling can sometimes be somewhat stressful. It’s a huge ordeal that takes too much time and effort, from booking the flights to packing up and getting ready. This next story right here shows just how much one person can affect your travel! It can be all new and exciting, getting somewhere nice to relax and discovering new places. However, this poor man didn’t expect that his flight was about to be a bit inconvenient!
The Words Were Out
Emmit had no clue that someone would spoil it all for him while he was eager to travel. The words escaped his lips before he was able to catch himself. For a while now, the woman had been harassing him, and he had had enough. She was hit like a ton of bricks by the words he said, making her recoil, looking scandalized. But how dare she act like this? He only said what everybody thought. All the people around them slowly began to clap. How could this situation have escalated so rapidly?

The Words Were Out
The Airport
If you have ever been to an airport and have flown at least once in your life, then you probably understand how stressful the whole experience can be. It’s no surprise that people become frustrated easily with delayed flights, long lines, and lost luggage. Emmit did not want anything to get him down that day, however. For months already, he had been saving up for this trip and even decided to splurge on a first-class ticket as a birthday present for himself. Little did he know, his day was about to be ruined by an entitled woman.

The Airport