30. Get a portable weight checker to avoid overweight baggage fees
Pros: You don’t get fined or have to pull stuff out of your bag in front of everyone
What you need: Portable weight checker
Cost: $11.99*
There’s nothing more annoying than realizing your bag weighs more than it should. When you wheel or carry your suitcase into the airport, you can typically tell when you’re going to be close. It’s a nightmare when you are a few pounds over and don’t make it. Then, until you reach the weight restriction, you will be required to remove goods and pay an additional $1,000. Get a portable weight scale to avoid all of this trouble. Make sure your bag is within the allowed amount by checking it at home. Those that travel frequently might be wise to purchase this twice.
![30. Get A Portable Weight Checker To Avoid Overweight Baggage Fees](https://d2apfittwsc1mr.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/11192817/30.-Get-a-portable-weight-checker-to-avoid-overweight-baggage-fees.jpg)
30. Get A Portable Weight Checker To Avoid Overweight Baggage Fees
31. Don’t listen to your music
Pros: You won’t miss important announcements
What you need: Nothing, just your ears
Cost: Free
It’s easy to want to jam out music on your headphones while in the airport. If not, you’ll be forced to listen to the noises of families quarreling, babies wailing, and TSA notifications. But, there are advantages to not listening to music while in an airport. Airlines do occasionally provide significant announcements. For instance, they may announce via the loudspeaker that those who consent to board the next flight will receive a voucher (this is a standard procedure whenever a flight is oversold). If you’re listening to music instead of alerts, you can overlook two additional crucial announcements: flight delays and transit cautions.
![31. Don’t Listen To Your Music](https://d2apfittwsc1mr.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/11192828/31.-Dont-listen-to-your-music.jpg)
31. Don’t Listen To Your Music