Travelers attempting to go from point A to point B with the least amount of inconvenience are the lifeblood of airports. Although it’s no secret that flights may be a bit problematic, as much as we enjoy seeing new locations, did you know there are steps you can take to ensure a comfortable flight? You never know, but airlines like Southwest might be able to assist you more than you might imagine. Additionally, carrying extra can make the difference between a miserable and enjoyable trip. Even if you believe you have the airport routine down pat, you may find these useful hints and recommendations to be of assistance.
1. Bring your own headphones
Pros: No need to pay for extra
What you need: Your own set
Cost: $5+*
It is highly recommended that you bring your own headphones to the airport for several reasons. They will be more comfortable and won’t fall out of your ears at any time, which will also deter you from purchasing your own pair when you want to watch a movie in the plane. While it’s commendable that airlines such as American Airlines offer these, the quality isn’t particularly high. You would be better off staying with your own pair of headphones than taking a chance and purchasing a set of theirs if you want to actually unwind and watch the entertainment without being disturbed.