Farrah Fawcett: Her Amazing Life From Start To Finish

Published on 11/10/2021

Beauty Queen From The Start

Farrah didn’t have to deal with the awkward high school years like the rest of us, but when she started college, things only got better for her. She was chosen as one of the “Ten Most Beautiful Coeds on Campus,” the first freshman to do so. It didn’t take long for talent agencies all over the country to notice Farrah’s numerous beauty awards and begin searching for her images. Her attractiveness was immediately apparent, and she was solicited by several agencies. One Hollywood bigwig, David Mirisch, in particular, took notice of her and sought the future actress. He had a feeling she’d be a big star.

Beauty Queen From The Start

Beauty Queen From The Start


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During her college years, Mirisch chased Farrah for almost two years. He pushed her to relocate to Los Angeles after seeing some of her work and realizing how beautiful she was. Most of us would leap at the chance to be famous, but Farrah isn’t one of them. She didn’t just pick up and depart. She was a student with a strong commitment to her academics, therefore she initially declined his offer. It wasn’t until 1968 that she accepted his offer. Her parents gave her permission to pursue her aspirations and “try her luck” at becoming a celebrity. They probably had no idea how famous their daughter would become at the time.

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