Your Own House For Just 1000 Euros? This Is What It Looks Like From The Inside!

Published on 07/28/2022

The Accident

The two decided to write the hilarious title “What Have We Dunoon?” to use. “as a joke, ‘What have we done?’ It’s a clever nod to the beginnings of the project and to the town their property is in. Funny pun, huh?

Bildschirmfoto 2021 11 18 Um 13.02.38

The Accident


Big Risk

They post regularly so their followers and fans can be there as they celebrate the little things like installing the electricity grid or maintaining the plumbing. Oh, and of course the tea breaks! After all, they are in the UK. Recently, the couple posted this photo on Instagram, thanking their followers for hitting the 100 mark recently!

Bildschirmfoto 2021 11 18 Um 13.03.35

Big Risk