Impressive Military Vehicles That Will Blow Your Mind Away

Published on 07/05/2021

Black Knight UGCV

This semi-autonomous infantry fighting vehicle may still be in the prototype stage, but it looks quite promising. It is expected to revolutionize ground combat. With several remote-operated machine gun attachments and a 30 mm autocannon, the Black Knight UGCV is one of the most powerful and biggest combat drones out there. One of its functions will be assisting infantry forces by serving as an expandable wingman. The US Army is currently testing and evaluating the vehicle.

Black Knight UGCV

Black Knight UGCV


The Mega M1 Riot Control Vehicle

This fully automatic, fully-loaded, and fully electronic beast weighs over 17,500 pounds and helps control riots or small combat zones. With the scenario in mind, every detail was added to the Mega M1 Riot Control Vehicle. It has lights, complete climate control, reinforcement cargo space, weaponry, water hose, and even its own CCTV system. If you ask us, it seems as if they put so much thought into this specific vehicle.

The Mega M1 Riot Control Vehicle

The Mega M1 Riot Control Vehicle