What It Actually Means When Your Dog Does This And That

Published on 01/27/2020

Paw Pats

No one likes to get slapped, right? However, it is not the same when a dog slaps you with their paw. They are not mad, only hoping to get your attention. It is more different when one dog does it to another dog. This is a sign of trust for them. It is kind of their version of slapping each other on the back.

Paw Pats

Paw Pats


Eating And Cuddling

Does your dog cuddle with you as soon as they eat? If so, they clearly adore you a lot! Many dogs like taking naps after eating their meals. As we all know, there is nothing better than taking a siesta beside our favorite person. If we were in that position, we would not hesitate to cuddle up with a different dog.

Eating And Cuddling

Eating And Cuddling