Something Stunning
According to his history, the La Gomera young boy resident was aware of the tourist stories told around the village over the years. There have been reports of strange creatures in the water, which has left locals in the town with an unanswered question. At that moment, he wondered aloud to himself, “Could they be right?” Because Joel is still a child, his parents keep telling him to stay away from the waters near the docks to avoid any potential danger.
No Swimming After Dark
The majority of tourists who have visited claim to have seen strange beings in the water and that they imagine it while swimming in the dark. They can only feel it, and they haven’t seen it at all. They don’t know if some creatures live in the waters of La Gomera; how can they be sure it wasn’t a regular creature? Because of these rumors, the locals advise them to avoid swimming after dark for their own safety and protection!