Joel Became Famous
Joel’s befriending of a stingray was already well-known in the village. The young boy became quite well-known. When they heard the one-of-a-kind story about him, many people were enthralled. For many years, it appeared to be the first time in Vueltas Village’s history. Children have been asking Joel if they can join him in his morning routine, and fishermen have even come to offer the boy a box of fresh shrimp to feed his friend. And Joel was pleased with the situation.
Giving Food To The Stingray
Stingrays are carnivores who prefer to eat animals smaller than themselves, as do most carnivores. Worms, clams, oysters, snails, and shrimp are among the animals that live on or beneath the sand that they prefer to eat. Small fish and Squidoo are on the menu for stingrays.