Scientists Were Studying This Ancient DNA When They Discovered A Girl Whose Parents Were Two Different Species

Published on 11/11/2021

A Harsh Side Of Character

The bones of Gran Dolina, on the other hand, appeared to suggest that Homo antecessor had a harsh side to its character as well. Yes, there were cut marks and evidence of crashing and burning on some of the species’ remnants. This evidence appeared to indicate that they were cannibalistic.

A Harsh Side Of Character

A Harsh Side Of Character


An Extreme Step

Of course, in a life-or-death circumstance, the Homo antecessor’s cannibalism could have been an extreme step. There’s no evidence that it was done as part of a ceremony. Nonetheless, other ancient species demonstrated similar behavior. It’s thought that Neanderthals engaged in routine cannibalism and sometimes ritual defleshing of bodies, as evidenced by cut marks on their uncovered remains.

An Extreme Step

An Extreme Step