Woman Learns She’s Been Lied To For 70 Years After Taking A DNA Test

Published on 03/15/2023

‘’It’s my mom, isn’t it?’’

Is it my mother, you say? Mary is speechless. After then, Jessy begins to tell the family’s mystery. She begins to talk about her early years, when she was told several epic tales about each of her grandparents. The majority of these tales concerned the family members who had passed away. Then things worsened.

'’It’s my mom, isn’t it?’’

‘’It’s my mom, isn’t it?’’


Keeping Secrets

As the tales evolved, Jessy eventually began to recognize the lies and confronted her mother. Her mother only reacted in rage, demanding that she be treated with the deference that a mother deserves. As Jessy began digging by looking for photos in the basement, she was told not to go there since she knew she was concealing something.

Keeping Secrets

Keeping Secrets