Warning Signs That You Might Be Having A Heart Disease

Published on 10/29/2021

Open Wounds On The Feet

Whenever possible, treat open wounds right away because they can quickly become infected. If the wounds or ulcers don’t heal or are difficult to cure, you should take extra precautions. There is a possibility that this is an indication of aortoiliac illness. It’s an aortic obstruction. Ischemia, or a reduction in blood and oxygen delivery to tissues, is a risk factor for this condition. Tissue death and amputation are possible outcomes.

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Open Wounds On The Feet


Pain In The Toes

At first, toe pain may appear to be nothing serious. It’s important to find out what’s causing your toe pain while you rest if it’s not from wearing too-tight shoes. Aortoiliac occlusive disease might also cause this symptom. The best course of action is to speak with your doctor about your symptoms so that a cardiac condition may be ruled out. This is the only method to save your life if you have a life-threatening illness and need immediate medical attention.

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Pain In The Toes