Difficulty Of Breathing
It’s a dangerous sign if you have trouble breathing, especially when you’re resting. Because your muscles are relaxed when you’re at rest, breathing should be pain-free. A doctor should be consulted as soon as possible if you experience breathing issues while sleeping, lying down, or even doing light activities. It is possible that heart disease exists if blood collects in the veins because it cannot flow in any other direction. As a result of the fluid buildup in the lungs, heart issues develop.

Difficulty Of Breathing
Sudden Migraine
Migraines have become more widespread in recent years. Migraines, on the other hand, can have a wide range of causes. The fact that migraines can potentially be a sign of heart disease is something that many people are unaware of. Pain like this could be a sign of a blood clot or a stroke. There is no time to waste and you should go to the hospital immediately if you are experiencing vomiting and dizziness in addition to the pain. Here, every second counts.

Sudden Migraine