Confusion And Forgetfulness
There are various reasons for forgetfulness and bewilderment. According to the American Heart Association, various blood chemical levels can alter sodium levels. As a result, people become disoriented and lose their memories. Other factors that can contribute to the condition include poor nutrition, exhaustion, and a lack of vitamins and minerals. Of course, it’s best to rule out heart disease and see a doctor get the proper tests done to rule it out or prevent things from getting worse.

Confusion And Forgetfulness
Sleep Apnea
There are numerous reasons why people forget or become confused. According to the American Heart Association, variations in sodium levels can be caused by blood levels of specific substances. Confusion and memory loss follow as a result of this. Malnutrition, exhaustion, and a deficiency in vitamins and minerals can all contribute to the condition. To be on the safe side, it’s best to rule out heart disease and see a doctor get the proper tests done to see if it’s getting worse or not.

Sleep Apnea