10+ Famous Celebs Who Converted To New Religions

Published on 07/05/2022

Madonna – Judaism (Kabbalah)

Prior to being heavily immersed with Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah, the well-known musician was raised as a Roman Catholic. Her study of the Kabbalah can be seen in Madonna’s music, such as albums like Ray of Light and Music. Speaking of religion in a 2019 interview with Harry Smith of Today Madonna stated, “The God that I believe in, created the world […] He/Her/They [sic] isn’t a God to fear, it’s a God to give thanks to.”

Madonna Judaism (Kabbalah)

Madonna – Judaism (Kabbalah)


Julia Roberts – Hinduism

Despite being brought up as Catholic, Roberts finally embraced Hinduism. In 2010, Roberts stated that she had converted to Hinduism for “spiritual happiness.” Roberts converted to Hinduism after seeing a portrait of his master Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji). When Roberts was filming Eat, Pray, Love in Pataudi in September 2009, Swami Daram Dev of the Ashram Hari Mandir gave her children new names based on Hindu deities: Laxmi for Hazel, Ganesh for Phinnaeus, and Krishna Balram for Henry.

Julia Roberts Hinduism

Julia Roberts – Hinduism