Skip: Flour, baking powder, and dried yeast
If you like to bake, you probably know that dried yeast, baking powder, and flour go bad pretty easily. You can probably understand why we advise against buying them in bulk. It is better to go for smaller amounts. This is a good way to ensure that none of them go bad before you can finish the container.

Skip Flour, Baking Powder, And Dried Yeast
Buy: Kirkland organic coconut water
Just so you know, coconut water is actually a great way to hydrate. You might want to treat yourself to a 12-pack of the organic coconut water from Kirkland. The price is decent, and the product has rave reviews. Go ahead and buy it in bulk if you want to! After all, it is not going to go bad for a long time.

Buy Kirkland Organic Coconut Water