Oprah Winfrey’s Home In Montecito, California
Value: $100 Million
Oprah Winfrey’s California estate spans a whopping 65 acres, probably more land than she’ll ever need. Oprah bought the mansion in 2001 for $50 Million and it is thought that it has doubled in value since then. Naturally, there have been various additions and renovations that have added to this value increase! The mansion has 6 bedrooms, 14 bathrooms, 10 fireplaces, a wine cellar and even two theaters! Of course there is all the boring stuff like a guesthouse with a pool, a lake, tennis courts… we all have these amenities don’t we? Oh, perhaps not…

Oprah Winfrey’s Home In Montecito, California
Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion In Los Angeles, California
Value: $100 Million
Surely everyone has heard of the infamous Playboy Mansion? The 30-room house includes a game room, a zoo, tennis court, basketball court, wine cellar among many other cool features. Hefner passed away in 2017 but only paid $1.1 Million for the house back in 1971 before selling it for $100 Million in 2016! That’s some profit…

Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion In Los Angeles, California