The Search Begins
Determined to find out the truth, Jack decided to track down Eleanor. He had no idea where to start, but the photograph had been taken in Greenfield, and it was as good a place as any to begin his search. He pocketed the photo and left the bank, his heart pounding with the weight of the new revelation. Jack had always felt like he didn’t fully know his father, and now he realized just how true that was.

The Search Begins
Digging for Clues
Jack began his search at the town’s historical society, hoping they might have old records or photographs that could help him track down Eleanor. The woman behind the desk was friendly, though skeptical when Jack asked if she remembered anyone by that name. Greenfield was small, but it had been decades since his father had lived there. Still, she agreed to look through some old archives, pulling out dusty boxes filled with faded documents.

Digging For Clues