Discovering the Other Side
Determined to uncover the truth, Jack and Daniel decided to work together to dig deeper into their father’s past. They revisited Greenfield, speaking to anyone who might remember Eleanor or their father from those days. Slowly, a picture began to form—one of a man who had been caught between two lives, struggling to protect the people he loved while dealing with forces beyond his control. But still, the full story remained just out of reach.

Discovering The Other Side
A Link to the Past
In their search, Jack and Daniel came across an old friend of their father’s who had known him during his early years in Greenfield. The man, now in his 80s, was reluctant to talk at first, but eventually, he opened up. “Your father was a good man,” he said, his voice raspy with age. “But he got mixed up with some powerful people back then. People who didn’t take kindly to him wanting to leave.”

A Link To The Past