Amélie (2001)
The BBC’s Hannah Strong describes the enduring appeal of this chic movie about a lonely Parisian bistro waitress with a big heart and an even bigger imagination as “[Jean-Pierre] Jeunet’s unconventional romantic comedy…provides glimpses into the curious lives of others while celebrating the unique charm of France’s capital city.” Amélie, in the words of Bryan Fuller, will cause you to cry “based on benevolence as opposed to grief.”

Amélie (2001)
Ghost World (2001)
The iconic graphic novel by Daniel Clowes about two misanthropic high school girls who spend their time criticizing everyone and everything in their average American town was handled perfectly by Crumb filmmaker Terry Zwigoff. Ghost World, starring Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson, was generally disregarded when it first came out but has since gained recognition as a cult classic, much like its inspiration.

Ghost World (2001)