Deleted Parts
Despite Brooks’ refusal to delete any of the problematic scenes that the producers wanted to remove, one sequence was so risqué that it did not make the final cut. It was when Lili tried to lure Bart in the dark and asked, “Is it true what they tell about you people?”. Even more frightening, Bart responds in the dark, “I hate to disappoint you, ma’am, but you’re sucking on my arm.” Oh my goodness! The disturbing sequence can now be found in the deleted scenes.

Deleted Parts
Laughter or Despair
Despite the fact that the film dealt with difficult issues, it was nonetheless extremely funny. This can be a difficult undertaking, but when done well, it has even more of an impact. Gene Wilder, one of the film’s stars, stated it best: “They’ve smashed racism in the face, but they’re doing it while you laugh,” according to the Washington Examiner. Combining serious themes with humor can be the most efficient method to convey a message.

Laughter Or Despair