Delicious Treats
Everyone like chocolate-covered raisins, right? But someone may have had their fill of the delectable delicacy because Mel Brooks has an endless supply! He claimed in an interview with Playboy magazine that after mentioning them in the film, the candy business continued to send him goodies. “We mentioned Raisinets in Blazing Saddles and now the company sends me a gross of them every month. A gross of Raisinets!”

Delicious Treats
Real Reason
Nowadays, when we view the controversial and funny farting sequence, it appears to be just another flatulent gross-out movie joke added for comedy effect. But, in reality, Mel Brooks intended this to be a genuine critique of true Western films, mocking the fact that cowboys always seem to drink coffee and eat beans. A diet like this must have resulted in some extremely gassy gunslingers!

Real Reason