Kendall Jenner
Considering that she was just 24 in 2019, for Kendall Jenner, high school is not such a distant memory. It wasn’t that long ago, even though she was one of the most famous girls in the world, that she walked through the halls of Sierra Canyon School. She was a cheerleader trying to bring as much pep to the varsity squad as possible before Kendall was setting catwalks on fire and driving her millions of followers wild. She didn’t have much trouble achieving that with bundles of enthusiasm and some crazy moves.

Kendall Jenner
Kathy Griffin
Rather than reciting cheers, Kathy Griffin now prefers to spend her time cracking jokes. However, Griffin was part of the spirit squad at Oak Park and River Forest High School when she was a teenager. It’s difficult to imagine her being so full of pep, given how controversial some of the comedian’s jokes can be. Naturally, when you go from adolescence to adulthood, a lot can change. Maybe back when she was a high school student, Kathy had more of a sunny disposition than a dark sense of humor.

Kathy Griffin