15+ Bizarre Attractions Around The World That You Must Visit

Published on 09/05/2022

6. Thames Town, China

The image above would lead you to believe you have stumbled across a small village in the English countryside, but this is actually a scaled-down replica town located 30 kilometers from the heart of Shanghai, China. With its cobblestone streets and old buildings, you’ll think you’ve entered another world. Some say this area can be like a ghost town at times, with closed shops and not much life. However, others say it is charming and reasonably busy. Guess you’ll have to see for yourself and make that judgement.

6. Thames Town, China

6. Thames Town, China


5. Old Mother Shipton’s Cave

One of the oldest tourist destinations in England, this creepy cave is surely worth a visit- if you dare. All who come in contact with the cave’s mystical waters supposedly turn to stone! Since 1630, it has been a functioning tourist destination in the U.K. Mother Shipton, England’s foremost prophetess, lived in a cave that was discovered in the Royal Forest of Knaresborough. Mother Shipton, an enigmatic character born in 1488, is credited with foretelling the development of metal ships, the Great Fire of London in 1666, the downfall of the Spanish Armada, and the destiny of numerous kings both during and after their lifetimes. You can see the petrified well for yourself by going to the cave in North Yorkshire.

5. Old Mother Shipton’s Cave

5. Old Mother Shipton’s Cave