Look Out Because These Stores Might Close Down Before The End Of The Year

Published on 09/16/2019

Guitar Center

In 2018, Guitar Center had only one more year to pay off its debt worth $900 million. The instrument retailer has been in business for more than 50 years now, but this has not stopped sales from going down. The sales for electric guitars went down by 36 percent from 2005 until 2016. Despite these problems, it still wants to launch new stores! Emergency loans have come to its rescue. The EVP of merchandising and e-commerce told Forbes that it was merely in transition but still going strong.

Guitar Center

Guitar Center


Southeastern Grocers

Winn-Dixie and Bi-Lo are both subsidiaries of Southeastern Grocers. The company applied for bankruptcy protection to restructure the debt it owes. It shut down nearly 100 stores and got rid of $600 million in debt. The company now wants to rebrand and remodel the stores still in operation. Hopefully, this will improve things even though the company is having difficulties coping with competition from other big-box stores and Amazon.

Southeastern Grocers

Southeastern Grocers