Anthony Bourdain’s first divorce hit the chef pretty hard
The chef’s mental health was significantly and permanently impacted by the years he struggled with substance abuse. But other factors also contributed to his depression. Anthony Bourdain’s troubled life also took a bad turn when he and Nancy Putkoski, his first wife, divorced, leaving him feeling pretty heartbroken. As a result of their “love and codependency” relationship, it appears that the two of them allegedly brought out the worst in one another. He fled to the Caribbean after the divorce and sought solace in other women there. He reportedly also made an attempt on his own life, which Anthony thankfully did not succeed in.

Anthony Bourdain’s First Divorce Hit The Chef Pretty Hard
Ottavia Busia could only handle Anthony Bourdain’s constant traveling for so long
The first woman to wed Anthony Bourdain was Nancy Putkoski, but she wasn’t the last. Following the split, the chef wed Ottavia Busia, a mixed martial artist who could only put up with Bourdain’s demanding schedule for so long. The two grew apart as a result of him being gone for hundreds of days every year. The two seemed to have no ill will toward one another when they parted ways. Anthony explained to People magazine that they were no longer functioning as a couple but neither of them felt angry or victimized. Given all of his travel, Bourdain may have felt some guilt over their divorce, but he was a man who gave his all to his job.

Ottavia Busia Could Only Handle Anthony Bourdain’s Constant Traveling For So Long