These Tips Will Help You Save A Ton Of Money At The Airport

Published on 09/23/2022

Always Choose The Farthest Security Line

The topic of locating the shortest security queue is covered in a wide variety of travel websites and publications. Although it can be intimidating and demoralizing to arrive at security and see a sea of people milling about, it almost seems to follow a mathematical formula. According to PopSugar, the security queue is typically shortest at the finish, particularly at the far left. The answer is straightforward: Since most individuals are right-handed and don’t gaze very far, they will naturally favor the right. Wherever there are less people, go. To check in, proceed with your luggage and yourself to the farthest security line. It might make you happy to learn how much shorter it is.

Always Choose The Farthest Security Line

Always Choose The Farthest Security Line


Always Put A ‘FRAGILE’ Sticker

There’s a risk that luggage handlers won’t even notice the sticker, so we won’t state that this is a win for sure. If they do notice, they might not give a damn and just dump your stuff around nevertheless. Worth a try, I say. Put a “FRAGILE” sticker on your luggage (if you can’t locate one, just ask for one; baggage check will typically have them in some sort of kiosk near the counter). Technically, that implies that handlers must treat your luggage tenderly, that it must be loaded last and unloaded first, and that you won’t have to pay for a replacement case.

Always Put A 'FRAGILE' Sticker

Always Put A ‘FRAGILE’ Sticker