These Tips Will Help You Save A Ton Of Money At The Airport

Published on 09/23/2022

Wear Contacts Instead Of Glasses

Those of us who wear contact lenses have probably heard stories about how dangerous it is to fly while wearing them. Frequently, wearing contacts while flying dries them out, irritating your eyes. The reduction in atmospheric pressure, oxygen content, and humidity that occurs at 30,000 feet in the air damages your contacts and dries out your eyes. Switch to glasses if you don’t want to spend the entire time reapplying contact-safe eye drops. Your contact lens solution should probably be packed in your bag rather than your carry-on. In contrast, your lenses may (and ought to) travel in your carry-on.

Wear Contacts Instead Of Glasses

Wear Contacts Instead Of Glasses


Always Wear Socks When Wearing Shoes

Everyone is familiar with the images and memes mocking travelers who remove their shoes on airplanes, revealing their bare feet to the outside world. And with good reason. There is no justification for wearing bare feet on an airliner. However, why wear shoes the entire flight if it is eight hours or longer? To be able to take off your shoes during lengthy flights, make sure you are wearing socks and shoes. You won’t be the only one doing this; chances are, everyone else will be as well. Just having your socks on should be sufficient—as long as you don’t do something crazy like prop your feet up on the back of the chair in front of you.

Always Wear Socks When Wearing Shoes

Always Wear Socks When Wearing Shoes