These Tips Will Help You Save A Ton Of Money At The Airport

Published on 09/23/2022

Bring Portable Weight Checkers

The realization that your suitcase weighs more than it should is the most aggravating thing there is, and we mean this. When you wheel or carry your suitcase into the airport, you can typically tell you’re going to be nearby. It’s a nightmare when you don’t make it and are a few pounds overweight. You will then be required to remove goods until you reach the weight restriction in addition to being charged $1,000 more. Consider investing in a portable weight checker to avoid this headache. Make sure your bag doesn’t exceed the limit by checking it at home. For those that travel frequently, this is a twofold wise investment.

Bring Portable Weight Checkers

Bring Portable Weight Checkers


Don’t Listen To Music

In the airport, it can be tempting to put on your headphones and turn up the music. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to endure the sounds of babies wailing, TSA announcements, and arguments amongst families. However, there are advantages to not listening to music while in the airport. Airlines do occasionally make significant announcements. For instance, they might announce a voucher over the loudspeaker for those who consent to board the following aircraft (a common practice if a flight is oversold). Other significant announcements you might miss if you’re listening to music instead include transit advisories and flight delays.

Don't Listen To Music

Don’t Listen To Music