Leaning In
Adam became even more perplexed as he opened the trailer door. There were mounds of discarded items and dusty, musty-smelling items inside. He rummaged through the mess in the trailer, trying to figure out why he was there. A glimmer of metal caught his eye. This trailer contained something that didn’t seem to belong. This was the first of many hints that would lead Adam on his path to atonement. This glimpse of metal was only the start.

Leaning In
The Breeze
Suddenly, as if from nowhere, the trailer jolted with a wind. “Oh no,” mumbled Adam. Fearing that the breeze might have gotten through the trailer’s gaps and carried the key away, he became frightened. Fortunately, it was still there, only a few inches from where he’d originally noticed it. Adam took a closer look and saw that the key appeared to have been deliberately posed. As if his father, who was wagering that his son would discover it, had intended for him to find it.

The Breeze