Lectures, Exams and a lot of stress. Every student has to deal with a tight time table and a lot of information to learn and to process. In this article, we will present you the best study apps, that will help you to stay focused and learn in an efficient way.

These Apps Will Help You To Upgrade Your Study Game
RefMe is a great app for every student out there. The app, which is available for Iphone and Android helps you to cite and write down resources. How? It is super easy! You only have to scan the barcode of the book and then choose the citation style you need. Just like that, the app will create the citations and references for you and you can safe a lot of time!
The study app “Study Blue”, is a great app if you want to study alone or in groups. The app allows you to enter documents and files and create flashcards, pop quizzes etc. out of them. You can either use them to study alone of share them with your friends and create study games. “StudyBlue” is available for IPhone and Android and makes studying way more fun.
Dragon Dictation
The app “Dragon Dictation” makes your life way easer. The app writes down everything you dictate to it and creates an online form. There is no need for writing anymore. You can sit back in your lecture and just open the app and it will create a file of everything you professor just said. Believe us, this app will change your life!
My Homework Student Planner
With the “My Homework Student Planner”app, you will never be unorganized again. The app creates a digital planner of all your assignments. It will create a timetable for you, checklists, and gives you tips and tricks on how to learn more efficient and concentrate better.
Google Drive
The Google drive app is a must have for every student out there. The app lets you share, safe and download files from anywhere at all times. This makes it easy to safe have access to all of your files with one simple click! The Google Drive app even lets you work when offline and share your documents with your class mates to make a teamwork effort.
Office Lens
Office Lens is an app by Microsoft. The app lets you take pictures of files and documents and upload them. These files are being converted by the app into great slide shows, magazines, blackboards or any other format you need.
Chegg is another great study app.The app lets you create flash cards and design them according to your need. The app lets you connect with your friends so you can study together. The app also offers you games, through which you can learn the information written down on your card.
Brainscape is an app for IPhone and Andriod, that will help you to achieve new learning techniques to remember new information easier and process it in the best possible way. The app is a great way to help you through your exam period.