Adjusting to college is no easy feat- for many, it’s the first time away from home and the first time sharing a space. Add on the stress of exams and papers plus living in a 12×12 cinder block with a complete stranger- it’s safe to say nothing about these years is easy. We’ve compiled a few tips and tricks to make your transition easier. Read on for the inside scoop!

Ace Dorm Living With These Tips & Tricks
Getting acquainted with dorm living takes some time- don’t worry if it’s the first month (or year) and you’re still adjusting. Make the adjustment easier with these tips:
Set A Budget
You’ll adjust to dorm life much easier if you set a budget for yourself. You’ll quickly realize that things are expensive and that costs add up quickly. We recommend not overusing your credit card and getting a job on campus to offset the expenses.
Decorate Your Room For Cheap
You can make your bleak dorm room feel like home with inexpensive decorations. Bright posters, plants, and funky pillows are a great way to add some personality into your space. Check out Pinterest for DIY dorm decorations and make sure to bring loads of photographs of family and friends along.
Set Ground Rules With Your Roommate
If you’ve never shared a room before, coexisting with a complete stranger will probably be quite difficult at first. It’s a good idea to set some ground rules with your new roomie. Here a few good rules to get you started: use headphones when listening to music, split chores, always ask first before using something, turn off the lights and lock the doors upon leaving the space.
Get Some Sleep
Sleep is important for everyone- especially a college student! Eight hours is the recommended amount of sleep for busy students; unfortunately, most only get between 6-6.9 hours/night. Invest in noise-canceling headphones, a sleep mask, and a white noise machine…you’ll thank us later.